I’m a British born, Australian raised and New York trained Meisner Technique actress making my way like you in this world.
Acting and living joyfully came much later on to me and in order for me to even make that possible, I insisted on committing myself to personal growth to promote and sustain both inner and outer change.
How on earth did I do this? I went solo. I went deep into the void.
SOLO: done by one person alone; unaccompanied
VOID: the quality or state of being without something
I want to show you how to start from scratch and reinvent yourself so that you can live the life and lifestyle you’re putting off living.
There are no requirements, tests or permissions slips needed here; just an unwavering commitment to your own change.
Let me inspire and help you reinvent yourself so that you can be who your potential is just bursting inside to be.
It takes the same amount of effort to sit still as it does to move